Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Speaking For Money Happens Before You Get On Stage

Speaking can be a great way to make a living.  You get to travel across the country or even across the world, add value to an audience, and collect a big check at the end!  On some speaking events you may even feel like a rock star with people coming up asking for a picture with you and trying to bend your ear for a bit of advice.  It can be a great feeling and a healthy 7-figure income when you get it all into action.

Sadly for many speakers they look at this as just a dream.  It all sounds nice on paper, but it never comes to fruition.  They grind it out at local events speaking to audiences of 10, 20 getting friendly pats on the back but nothing more comes of it.  How can that possibly lead to speaking in front of audiences of 200,500 and more?

Whether you are looking to get paid to speak or looking to do platform speaking (selling from stage) the part where you make money happens far before you do your first microphone check.  Unfortunately you don't get to wake up one morning and just say "pay me $20,000" per event.  I invite you to consider the following steps to getting more speaking events and making more money.

What is Your Niche? -  What industry can you dominate in?  It would be nice to say you can speak anywhere (and you can get there) but starting out in a specific niche is a sure-fire way to get speaking events quickly.  Do you have experience in a specific industry (like Insurance, Sales, etc)?  Translate that experience into a powerful niche and speaking topic.
What Do You Offer That Is Unique? - There are thousands of speakers trying to scratch out a living, how are you going to stand out.  Do you offer a unique solution?  Do you have a powerful process that can help people?  Will your approach help people in multiple industries?  Write down how you are different and share that as your marketing message for your speaking business.
How Can People Find You? - Think beyond speaker bureaus.  Unless you have a New York Times best seller it's going to be tough to get enough engagements to make a living.   Can people find you online?  Have you sent sales letters to trade associations?  Have you written any articles to demonstrate your expertise?  Take the time to ensure people can find you in many locations and get the word out to your network that you are willing and happy to speak.
Getting paid to speak happens far before the lights turn on and the audience arrives.  Take time to answer the questions above and watch your speaking business grow fast.

Article Source:  Todd T Bates

Emmanuel Ayeni is a Lifecoach, Inspirational Speaker and Entrepreneur, He has compered several weddings,birthdays and other events in Lagos  and beyond and currently mentors and speak to young people weekly on his platform The Inspired Nations Network (TINN)

Get Emmanuel Ayeni to speaker at your both corporate or personal events or get him to empower your workforce or especially your leaders on his main topic of Personal Mastery/Leadership and Money Mastery and all round empowerment. call now 2347033875827 or 2348053257042
Emmanuel is the MD and CEO of Emmandus Networks and is available to speak and develop curriculum relevant and peculiar to your needs.
Emmanuel Ayeni currently works and live in Lagos Nigeria with his beautiful wife Jumoke and their wonderful son Daniel.
Skype: emmandus 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

You Can Get Paid to Speak

Did you know that you can run a professional speaking business from your home with very low overhead costs? And a great thing about a speaking business is that you can do it either part time or full time.

Companies use professional speakers at conferences all the time. And cruise lines often hire "enrichment speakers" to provide presentations to their passengers. What a life!

So just how much do professional speakers make anyway? Surveys of working professional speakers indicate that they earn an average of $3,000 to $9,000 for breakout sessions and keynote speeches. The upper end is usually for presentations at national events.

But that's not the only income you will get paid as a professional speaker. Back of the room sales can be very lucrative, if you set up a counter selling your books, tapes, video tapes, workbooks and other materials.

So professional speaking is an excellent career choice for those who would like a very lucrative business and also flexibility of a freelance career.

If you are not convinced by the money and the lifestyle, how about the dating? That's right. Professional speakers are often extremely popular when it comes to dating.

A good way to get started as a professional speaker is to look around your community for groups and organizations for whom you can give short speeches for free. Many communities have organizations that are in constant need of speakers. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your skills, to build your reputation as a speaker, and to obtain important contacts through networking at each event.

You should also consider joining organizations such as the National Speakers Association or National Speakers Bureau, as this will lead to you learning of upcoming speaking opportunities.

Once you have your first speaking engagements, go out and do a good job. Don't forget to request a testimonial letter. Ask the leader of the organization to write up a letter testifying to your skills as a speaker and how well you spoke to them. Now you can use key sentences from that testimonial in your marketing materials.

If you really want to get started as a professional speaker, there is no reason why you cannot take the first steps today.

Article Source: Steve H. Wilson

Emmanuel Ayeni is a Lifecoach, Inspirational Speaker and Entrepreneur, He has compered several weddings,birthdays and other events in Lagos  and beyond and currently mentors and speak to young people weekly on his platform The Inspired Nations Network (TINN)

Get Emmanuel Ayeni to speaker at your both corporate or personal events or get him to empower your workforce or especially your leaders on his main topic of Personal Mastery/Leadership and Money Mastery and all round empowerment. call now 2347033875827 or 2348053257042
Emmanuel is the MD and CEO of Emmandus Networks and is available to speak and develop curriculum relevant and peculiar to your needs.
Emmanuel Ayeni currently works and live in Lagos Nigeria with his beautiful wife Jumoke and their wonderful son Daniel.
Skype: emmandus 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How to Become a Professional Speaker

Professional speaking is an excellent career choice for those who want both the attractive returns from a very lucrative business as well as the flexibility of a freelance career.

Public speaking can be very rewarding financially which is why so many of the best public speakers earn all or most of their money from public speaking.

So just how much do professional speakers make anyway? It varies, and fees can range from the low hundreds up to six figures for those with strong credentials and experience.

The types of public presentations given by professional speakers range from short speeches to keynote speeches to seminars and workshops.

A typical speech is usually only half an hour to an hour in length. A seminar on the other hand, might run for a day or even longer. And in workshops the audience becomes participants, gaining hands-on experience in the area of your presentation.

A good way to get started is to look around your community for groups and organizations for whom you can give short speeches for free. Many communities have organizations that are in constant need of speakers. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your skills, to build your reputation as a speaker, and to obtain important contacts through networking at each event.

One of the most important keys to success is to continually improve your speaking skills. Practice. Practice, practice. Consider joining a group such as Toastmasters which will greatly assist you in developing your presentation skills.

The best professional speakers really love what they do. After all, there's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush that comes from having a room full of people applauding you or even giving you a standing ovation.

Once you have your first speaking engagements, be sure to go out and do a great job, and don't forget to request a testimonial letter. Ask the principal of the organization to write up a letter testifying to your skills as a speaker and how well you spoke to their group. Now you can use key sentences from that testimonial in your marketing materials.

If you really want to get started as a professional speaker, there is no reason why you cannot take the first steps today.

Article Source: Steve H. Wilson

Emmanuel Ayeni is a Lifecoach, Inspirational Speaker and Entrepreneur, He has compered several weddings,birthdays and other events in Lagos  and beyond and currently mentors and speak to young people weekly on his platform The Inspired Nations Network (TINN)

Get Emmanuel Ayeni to speaker at your both corporate or personal events or get him to empower your workforce or especially your leaders on his main topic of Personal Mastery/Leadership and Money Mastery and all round empowerment. call now 2347033875827 or 2348053257042
Emmanuel is the MD and CEO of Emmandus Networks and is available to speak and develop curriculum relevant and peculiar to your needs.
Emmanuel Ayeni currently works and live in Lagos Nigeria with his beautiful wife Jumoke and their wonderful son Daniel.
Skype: emmandus 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

How to Become a Paid Speaker

Do you want to become a paid speaker and teach lessons from the things you've learned throughout your life? Who doesn't?

Speaking gives you the opportunity to help and at the same time, earn yourself additional income. Each of us has had our own challenges and tribulations to contend with. Chances are, you have learned something valuable in life and it is worth sharing with other people.

Believe it or not, people will pay you to teach them the life lessons you've learned. The price tag will depend largely on your reputation, material, and promotional skills.

First of all, public speaking is a business. It involves lots of marketing and the product you're selling is your knowledge and skills. In other words, you are the merchandise! And you will promote yourself to the fullest.

A product is judged by its quality and a high-quality product will always be a commercial success. As a professional public speaker, you must strive to constantly improve your merchandise. Always look for ways to enhance your speaking skills and material. Eventually, the market will take notice of your excellence and your value will rise. Demand for your services will grow and your bank account will get fatter!

The most difficult part of being a professional public speaker is the start up. You will basically need to start from scratch. Nobody knows who you are or what you can do. It can be very demoralizing not knowing what steps to take. The key is to build up a portfolio and then, go out and network.

Models, actors, photographers and public speakers are all the same. To launch your career, you need to build a portfolio of your accomplishments and credentials.

Now, you wonder, 'I still don't have any relevant accomplishments to display and my credentials are not that great either. So, what will I put in my portfolio?'

Learn, join classes and seminars, get certificates, work for free, and get referrals. These are great start-up marketing strategies to enhance credentials and expand your connections. Apparently, you will have to sacrifice a relative amount of time and money but that will be just fineand it will all be worth it in the end..

If you already have done a few engagements and granted you will be surprised with the consequential referrals. Your career will launch, your worth will steadily grow, and by then, you can charge for your services without guilt. Your work's value will only rise as your reputation strengthens.

As you grow professionally, it is natural to specialize your skills and find your niche. Specialization is a spontaneous evolution of your public speaking skills. Typically, you won't really have to think about it - it just happens. You may become an accomplished keynote speaker, a celebrated motivational expert, or an all-knowing guru.

As a result, your market may narrow but your price tag will increase. The demands for your services will not falter but your workload will pleasantly diminish. You can afford to turn down negotiations and assert your own demands because in a sense, you are now comparable to a celebrity.

Professional public speaking is an honorable occupation and if you have the aptitude, it can be a very worthwhile and gratifying pursuit.

Article Source: James R Malinchak

Emmanuel Ayeni is a Lifecoach, Inspirational Speaker and Entrepreneur, He has compered several weddings,birthdays and other events in Lagos  and beyond and currently mentors and speak to young people weekly on his platform The Inspired Nations Network (TINN)
Get Emmanuel Ayeni to speaker at your both corporate or personal events or get him to empower your workforce or especially your leaders on his main topic of Personal Mastery/Leadership and Money Mastery and all round empowerment. call now 2347033875827 or 2348053257042
Emmanuel is the MD and CEO of Emmandus Networks and is available to speak and develop curriculum relevant and peculiar to your needs.
Emmanuel Ayeni currently works and live in Lagos Nigeria with his beautiful wife Jumoke and their wonderful son Daniel. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Public Speaking Helps You Multiply Your Income and Scale Your Business

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to massively scale your business, public speaking is the indispensable tool that can multiply your income! This is especially so when you are in the education industry or are highly sales driven.

A simple example illustrates the point. Imagine that you are a sales professional who used to deliver sales-pitches on a one-to-one basis. In other words, each time you deliver a sales pitch, you deliver it to only one person at a time. Your conversion rate is 30%; for every 10 people you pitch to, only 3 will buy your product. Each sales pitch requires one hour of your time, and on average, each customer who purchase from you buys 1 gadget each. Thus, 10 hours (through 10 pitches) is needed to sell 3 gadgets.

Imagine if you can pitch to 100 people at any single time because of better public speaking skills. If you deliver the same one-hour pitch to 100 people at a time, and even if your conversion rate declines to 10%, you only took one hour to sell 10 gadgets!

That is the power of public speaking, and selling on stage.

Even Robert Kiyosaki, the multi-millionaire entrepreneur and real estate investor and best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books have given his testimonial on the power of public speaking. In Chapter Thirty-Three in his book Rich dad's Guide to Investing, Robert recounted a conversation with his rich dad:

"After I began to overcome my fear of selling, rich dad had me join the Toastmasters organization to learn to overcome my fear of speaking in front of large groups. When I complained to rich dad, he replied, "All great leaders are great public speakers. Leaders of great businesses need to be great communicators. If you want to be a leader, you must be a speaker." Today, I can speak comfortably to tens of thousands of people in convention halls because of my training in sales and my early training from the Toastmasters organization." (p. 321)

Robert Kiyosaki further advised:

"First, develop the skill to overcome your fears, to overcome rejection, and to communicate the value of your product or service. Second, develop the skill of speaking to large groups of people and keeping them interested in what you have to say." (p. 321)

Therefore, if you want to multiply your income and amplify your presence, learn public speaking, and be the best you can be at it. If you are a corporate employee, learn to sell your ideas and proposals through powerful presentations during board meetings. If you are a CEO, learn the best practices of delivering inspirational speeches to better engage your employees and shareholders. If you are a sales person, master persuasion to sell your products and services to many more people. If you are an activist, learn public speaking and use it to spread your message. If you are a businessman, use public speaking to influence potential customers. You get the point.

Article Source: Kwan Hong

Amplify Your Influence - Influence More People Through Public Speaking

There are many times in your life when you have a great business idea, a meaningful cause that you support wholeheartedly, or a deep and insightful story to share, and you wished that more people can get to listen to you, or even better, be influenced by the goodness that you wished to share. Therefore, rather than speaking to one person at a time, influencing only one person at a time, wouldn't it be much more effective if you have the necessary skills to reach out to more people and influence more people within one speech?

Many great influencers of the world are great public speakers, ordinary people who leveraged on the power of public speech to deliver extraordinary contributions to their communities.

Mahatma Gandhi conveyed his conviction to free India from their colonial rulers through his speeches. If he were to avoid speaking in public and instead, chose to speak one-on-one with his friends over multiple coffee sessions, there will be no massive and rapid outreach, and India will take forever to gain its independence!

During his time, there were perhaps many other people in India who would have preferred an independent India, but no one spoke out. It took a public speaker to stand up and influence the masses, and then be remembered in history for his contributions.

Martin Luther King spoke out in avocation of racial equality, conveying his dream of an equal society where Blacks (African-Americans) and Whites will co-exist together with mutual respect. Likewise, if he were to speak about his dreams on a one-to-one basis and not through a public speech that reaches out to the entire nation, then racial equality might take forever to manifest!

Many other examples of great leaders exist throughout the course of history have demonstrated the importance of great public speaking and oratory skills. Great ideas, coupled with noble intentions and brilliant ideas, all combine to become a powerful force.

Public speaking is the leverage that helps you influence more people, reach out to more people and make the world a better place. Public speaking is the indispensable puzzle piece within the gamut of influence.

In this world, there exist many great thinkers with great ideas, intelligent people who had powerful, meaningful and wonderful contributions that can influence to the world. Unfortunately, they did not dare to speak up, and their ideas died with them. Don't be another one of these people. Use public speaking as the tool to influence more people in your workplace, your department, your organization, your community, and if destiny forbids, the world.

Kwan Hong helps professionals, business executives and youths gain rapid mastery in communication skills, personal peak performance and career growth. He has delivered impactful workshops in public speaking, communication skills, leadership, personal peak performance, entrepreneurship and business development. He has synthesized knowledge from 8 Degrees and Diplomas, from over 100 certifications and from 1000 books to bring his clients the best tips, tricks and techniques for personal success.

Article Source: Kwan Hong

How To Change Your Presentation To Become A Highly-Paid Public Speaker

 Speak to earn

You can improve your skills as a public speaker by making just a few small changes in what you are already doing. A career in public speaking can be the most highly paid careers in the world and the need for public speakers will always be high. If you have given public speaking a try, but feel you need to improve your presentation or delivery, here are some suggestions that can turn your speaking into a new career.

Practice speaking in front of others as often as you can. Just being in front of an audience regularly will help you to improve in a short amount of time.

Prepare a speech that will become your signature or keynote speech. This can be a personal story with some helpful information for your audience, or a lesson on how the audience member can do something related to your topic.

Prepare a handout to give to the audience members. Depending on your topic and where you will be speaking you may want to ask the audience to answer some questions or fill in the blanks on the handout you give them. Getting the audience to participate is a great way to involve them in what you are speaking about.

Be ready to give the audience a website or blog address where they can find out more information about you. This will help you if they ask you a question you are not ready to answer. By the time they visit your site you can include the answer to their question.

I encourage you to learn more about becoming a public speaker from someone who has done it professionally for many years so that you will have a greater chance of becoming a highly paid public speaker.

Article Source:  Connie Ragen Green