Monday, July 11, 2016
Public Speaking Helps You Multiply Your Income and Scale Your Business
If you are an entrepreneur who wants to massively scale your business, public speaking is the indispensable tool that can multiply your income! This is especially so when you are in the education industry or are highly sales driven.
A simple example illustrates the point. Imagine that you are a sales professional who used to deliver sales-pitches on a one-to-one basis. In other words, each time you deliver a sales pitch, you deliver it to only one person at a time. Your conversion rate is 30%; for every 10 people you pitch to, only 3 will buy your product. Each sales pitch requires one hour of your time, and on average, each customer who purchase from you buys 1 gadget each. Thus, 10 hours (through 10 pitches) is needed to sell 3 gadgets.
Imagine if you can pitch to 100 people at any single time because of better public speaking skills. If you deliver the same one-hour pitch to 100 people at a time, and even if your conversion rate declines to 10%, you only took one hour to sell 10 gadgets!
That is the power of public speaking, and selling on stage.
Even Robert Kiyosaki, the multi-millionaire entrepreneur and real estate investor and best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books have given his testimonial on the power of public speaking. In Chapter Thirty-Three in his book Rich dad's Guide to Investing, Robert recounted a conversation with his rich dad:
"After I began to overcome my fear of selling, rich dad had me join the Toastmasters organization to learn to overcome my fear of speaking in front of large groups. When I complained to rich dad, he replied, "All great leaders are great public speakers. Leaders of great businesses need to be great communicators. If you want to be a leader, you must be a speaker." Today, I can speak comfortably to tens of thousands of people in convention halls because of my training in sales and my early training from the Toastmasters organization." (p. 321)
Robert Kiyosaki further advised:
"First, develop the skill to overcome your fears, to overcome rejection, and to communicate the value of your product or service. Second, develop the skill of speaking to large groups of people and keeping them interested in what you have to say." (p. 321)
Therefore, if you want to multiply your income and amplify your presence, learn public speaking, and be the best you can be at it. If you are a corporate employee, learn to sell your ideas and proposals through powerful presentations during board meetings. If you are a CEO, learn the best practices of delivering inspirational speeches to better engage your employees and shareholders. If you are a sales person, master persuasion to sell your products and services to many more people. If you are an activist, learn public speaking and use it to spread your message. If you are a businessman, use public speaking to influence potential customers. You get the point.
Article Source: Kwan Hong
Amplify Your Influence - Influence More People Through Public Speaking
There are many times in your life when you have a great business idea, a meaningful cause that you support wholeheartedly, or a deep and insightful story to share, and you wished that more people can get to listen to you, or even better, be influenced by the goodness that you wished to share. Therefore, rather than speaking to one person at a time, influencing only one person at a time, wouldn't it be much more effective if you have the necessary skills to reach out to more people and influence more people within one speech?
Many great influencers of the world are great public speakers, ordinary people who leveraged on the power of public speech to deliver extraordinary contributions to their communities.
Mahatma Gandhi conveyed his conviction to free India from their colonial rulers through his speeches. If he were to avoid speaking in public and instead, chose to speak one-on-one with his friends over multiple coffee sessions, there will be no massive and rapid outreach, and India will take forever to gain its independence!
During his time, there were perhaps many other people in India who would have preferred an independent India, but no one spoke out. It took a public speaker to stand up and influence the masses, and then be remembered in history for his contributions.
Martin Luther King spoke out in avocation of racial equality, conveying his dream of an equal society where Blacks (African-Americans) and Whites will co-exist together with mutual respect. Likewise, if he were to speak about his dreams on a one-to-one basis and not through a public speech that reaches out to the entire nation, then racial equality might take forever to manifest!
Many other examples of great leaders exist throughout the course of history have demonstrated the importance of great public speaking and oratory skills. Great ideas, coupled with noble intentions and brilliant ideas, all combine to become a powerful force.
Public speaking is the leverage that helps you influence more people, reach out to more people and make the world a better place. Public speaking is the indispensable puzzle piece within the gamut of influence.
In this world, there exist many great thinkers with great ideas, intelligent people who had powerful, meaningful and wonderful contributions that can influence to the world. Unfortunately, they did not dare to speak up, and their ideas died with them. Don't be another one of these people. Use public speaking as the tool to influence more people in your workplace, your department, your organization, your community, and if destiny forbids, the world.
Kwan Hong helps professionals, business executives and youths gain rapid mastery in communication skills, personal peak performance and career growth. He has delivered impactful workshops in public speaking, communication skills, leadership, personal peak performance, entrepreneurship and business development. He has synthesized knowledge from 8 Degrees and Diplomas, from over 100 certifications and from 1000 books to bring his clients the best tips, tricks and techniques for personal success.
Article Source: Kwan Hong
How To Change Your Presentation To Become A Highly-Paid Public Speaker
You can improve your skills as a public speaker by making just a few small changes in what you are already doing. A career in public speaking can be the most highly paid careers in the world and the need for public speakers will always be high. If you have given public speaking a try, but feel you need to improve your presentation or delivery, here are some suggestions that can turn your speaking into a new career.
Practice speaking in front of others as often as you can. Just being in front of an audience regularly will help you to improve in a short amount of time.
Prepare a speech that will become your signature or keynote speech. This can be a personal story with some helpful information for your audience, or a lesson on how the audience member can do something related to your topic.
Prepare a handout to give to the audience members. Depending on your topic and where you will be speaking you may want to ask the audience to answer some questions or fill in the blanks on the handout you give them. Getting the audience to participate is a great way to involve them in what you are speaking about.
Be ready to give the audience a website or blog address where they can find out more information about you. This will help you if they ask you a question you are not ready to answer. By the time they visit your site you can include the answer to their question.
I encourage you to learn more about becoming a public speaker from someone who has done it professionally for many years so that you will have a greater chance of becoming a highly paid public speaker.
Article Source: Connie Ragen Green
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
3 Steps to Becoming a Paid Speaker
Want to get paid for speaking?
Here are three steps on how to do just that...
Step One: Improve your skills and Master the art of public speaking!
First and foremost, you must have decent public speaking skills. It's just like selling a product. Maintain integrity by making your product, which is your speaking, worthy and of high quality. Why would you expect someone to pay you if you cannot deliver an interesting speech?
Knowledge is power. Gain all the knowledge you can. Read books about speaking; search for information on the Internet; join speaking clubs and learn from the established experts. Skill starts from know-how so make every opportunity count.
It is okay to invest money to gain knowledge and improve your chosen craft. Speaking boot camps are great venues to learn the art of public speaking. Speaking organizations will make you grow professionally and can give you opportunities to have plenty of stage time. Feedback from the experts is priceless.
If you want something done right, practice, practice, practice. Skills are only improved through practice and experience. To gain experience, speak in every opportunity you can get. Be hungry and speak in any events you can think of. Ask for feedback as much as possible. Maintain the positive aspects and improve on your flaws.
Step Two: Make salable speeches and choose your niche
Let's say for instance that you have already mastered the art of public speaking. Next thing you should do is to make speeches that you can sell to the public. Don't just create speeches for the sake of it. Make speeches you believe people are willing to spend their hard-earned money on.
This is why speakers should pick a niche, making great speeches begins with audience understanding. You have to know the desires and troubles of your chosen market. Ask questions like, "What are the most common problems of my market?" and "What does my audience really want?" These sort of questions lead to a better understanding of your chosen niche.
Create speeches and topics based on this awareness. Once done, you can effectively market your materials to buyers. Your topics will grab interest instantly because it will appear very specialized to your audience. Buyers will be impressed and they will decide for themselves that you are the best person for the job because your topics and speeches are designed for them.
Step Three: Market and network
This is the most important aspect to getting paid as a speaker. A particular speaker may have great skills but he will never be successful if he doesn't know how to market the product.
Speakers should know how to appeal to their buyers. They should display an air of expertise and authority in the niche. You can implement materials that can add to your credibility and image. Create books, videos, and other resources you can use to market yourself and position yourself as an expert.
Network with people who can help you land speaking engagements. If you spend time enough time with people within the niche, you will eventually get those bookings you wanted through referrals or word-of-mouth.
**Attention Readers**
Want to Make $100,000 to $1,000,000 Dollars Per Year as a Professional Speaker? Learn to 3 Steps to Becoming a Paid Speaker
Source: James R. Malinchak
Motivational Speakers - Life Coaches
A motivational speaker is one who speaks or lectures in a way so as to motivate or inspire the audience. There are many motivational speakers and they introduce themselves through various methods such as books, interviews, seminars or audio programs. One of the major negative feedbacks they face is that they make people feel good and positive just for the time being - that is - the motivation they provide does not last for a longer life time. There are many others who feel that they feel positive and set goals only when they listen to this speaker, and after a short time they go back to their regular routine. What matters most in this aspect is, that if a person wants to become successful in life, he/she has to apply and implement the teaching and concepts in his/her life which might prove difficult in the beginning, but with regular help and their own will power, they can shed their inhibitions and start over a new leaf.
Some of the popular motivational books written by well-known motivational speakers are Anthony Robbins - "Unlimited Power", and "Awaken The Giant Within"; John Maxwell - "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"; Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" as well as "The One Minute Millionaire", and Zig Ziglar's "See You at the Top". The audio programs that are popular - Brian Tracy's "The Psychology of Achievement"; Mark Victor Hansen's "Thinking Big;" and Les Brown's "You Deserve."
In recent days, even multinational companies are making use of these speakers to help their employees develop positive mental attitude, clarity in life, set their goals and team-building activity. Team building activity is one of the important factors in multi-national companies which help to highlight the importance of an individual in a team as one of the most valuable asset the Company has.
Inspirational speakers are different from motivational speakers in the way that their speeches can be based on stories of great men who achieved their goals amidst obstacles, with modulations in their way of speaking. On the other hand, motivational speakers deliver their presentation that inspire and has more energy which propel their listeners to action.
Most motivational speakers do not see themselves as a teacher who motivates others, but they see themselves as a "life coach." Many of them have come from poverty and it is through the methods they teach they have become millionaires. Les Brown was a garbage collector who became a successful speaker and a millionaire. Most of the speakers are entrepreneurs; They teach leadership, efficiency, increase productivity and are experts in time management. They also host TV shows and travel regularly all over the globe. They have to keep themselves updated in terms of recent events around the world and constantly learning new things. Their speech should be able to connect with the audience, ignite a spark in every listener or attendee so that they can be inspired to find a lost goal or birth of a new one in order to achieve what they desire.
The methods, techniques which they teach to their clients (persons attending their workshops or listeners) should be simple, time-tested, recent, grounded, effective and they should have imbibed them in to their own personal life. The motivational speaker's job is to make the listeners understand how their minds work, prioritize their work to deliver their best, to help them change their life style if needed, and develop effective habits that can move them towards their goals and dreams.
In short, a motivational speaker's main goal should be to arouse the bundle of positive energy that exists in all of us through which we can reach our goals in the shortest possible time.
B Sathyanarayana is a well-known writer in the areas of medicine, biographies and management exams.
Source: Sathya Narayana
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The 10 Best Motivational Speakers in the World
The 10 Best Motivational Speakers in the World
Motivational speakers have had an enormous impact on my life, and millions of others, no matter what their personal situation in life may be. Their words are so powerful and inspirational, you just have to listen to their stuff on a daily basis. So it brings me to this post.
I’ve been enjoying a lot of motivational videos recently, have been creating my own, and have ended up listening to a lot of wonderful speeches.
But who are the best motivational speakers in the world? Here’s my list of the top 10 motivational speakers in the world. These are the people you need to be following, listening to and watching on YouTube. They have transformed many people’s lives including mine.
1) Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas, born on September 11th 1965 in Tuscan, Arizona, was homeless at the age of 16 years old. But Eric decided that he wanted to make a better life for himself, to become someone with a life he could be proud of.
E.T did just that, and you can now check out powerful advice from Eric Thomas on YouTube, including his “Thank God It’s Monday” series.
He also managed to get the education he missed out on whilst he was homeless, and pushed himself further to achieve all the qualifications he dreamed of being able to achieve.
Eric Thomas has become one of the best motivational speakers in the world. His YouTube videos are legendary and his best selling books have taken in millions of dollars in revenue.
E.T’s speeches are so popular, that you’ll find he’s featured in roughly 90% of the motivational videos that others create and upload to YouTube, using compilations of clips, speeches and music.
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric Thomas
2) Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins was born on February 29th, 1960 in Los Angeles. His life at home when he was young was described by him as abusive and chaotic, and it was because of this that he left home at the age of 17.
Originally when starting out in the world of motivational speaking, Robbins was promoting seminars for Jim Rohn. He later decided to begin his own journey hosting his own seminars.
Tony has affected and changed so many people’s lives in a positive way through his seminars, motivational speeches, inspirational quotes and best selling books. If you search for him on YouTube several videos will pop up in which he’s changed someone’s life within the time space of the recording.
The favorites of mine that I’ve watched, are where he cures a young man’s stutter in 7 minutes and saves another guys marriage in 8.
“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” – Tony Robbins
3) Les Brown

Les Brown was born on February 17th 1945 in Miami, Florida. Les was adopted by Mamie Brown, and whilst in grade school, was declared “educably mentally retarded”.
Despite this and emotional issues it brought upon him, he was encourage by others to continue to learn and be the best he could be, leading him to unlock his full potential.
Les is another motivational speaker who is incredibly popular among the motivational video compilations that others create, because his speeches are so deep and meaningful that they really get through to people.
His top selling books: ‘It’s Not over until You Win!’ and ‘Live Your Dreams’ are truly inspirational, and well worth the read.
“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.” – Les Brown
4) Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn was born September 17th 1930 in Yakima, Washington, and passed away on December 5th 2009. Jim was a very successful entrepreneur, at one time being a Vice President of a very successful sales company, Nutri-Bio.
However, after the company eventually went out of business, he was invited to speak at a meeting of one of his clubs.
After this meeting, he was invited to speak at many other events and began making a name for himself. Jim Rohn was a wise businessman and managed to impart much of this wisdom into others.
He’s definitely earned the right to be on this list of the best motivational speakers in the world.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn
5) Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30th 1947, in Austria. We all know him as the world famous professional bodybuilding champion, and there’s a very inspirational story behind Arnie’s bodybuilding success.
Schwarzenegger served in the Austrian army at the age of 18 years old for 1 year, which at the time was compulsory for all 18 year old males.
During this time, he would still manage to fit in his workouts between all the training and drills, whilst most people were resting. He snuck out of camp to compete in the Junior Mr. Europe contest, which he ended up winning.
Arnold’s discipline towards his training was incredible, and the fact that he was willing to disobey the rules of the army and sneak out of camp to compete in the contest, just goes to show how badly he wanted it. Nowadays, he’s an inspiration to many bodybuilders and a great source of motivation for anyone wanting to be successful.
“For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
6) Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar was born on November 6th, 1926 in Alabama, and passed away on November 28th in 2012. Ziglar has 11 siblings, and at the age of five years old, his father died of a stroke, and his sister passed away two days later. Zig actually served in the army from 1935 – 1946 during World War II.
Ziglar met his wife Jean when he was just 17 years old, and after the war began to work as a salesman for many different companies, eventually becoming the vice president for theAutomotive Performance company.
He started taking part in motivational seminars, and also wrote his first book in 1975 titled: ‘See You at the Top’. This was the first of at least 15 books he’d written during the period of 1975 and 2012.
A lot of wisdom has come from Zig Ziglar over the years and he is definitely one of the best motivational speakers in the world.
“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” – Zig Ziglar
7) Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer was born on May 10th 1940 in Detroit, and spent the majority of his childhood in an orphanage. Dyer was in the U.S Navy after graduating high school, from 1958 to 1962. He then received his degree in counselling, a profession that he chose to work in for a while before taking it one step further.
Dyer left his teaching job and started pursuing a career in motivational speaking, holding various lectures across the states and becoming an incredibly popular author.
The first book that Dyer ever wrote has now had over 35 million copies sold and he’s proceeded to continue with his lecture tours, release various audio tapes and publish a regular stream of books.
“Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.” – Wayne Dyer
8) Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma was born in 1964 in Nepal, and straight out of the Dalhousie University School of Law, became a professional lawyer. But he went much further in his career than being a fully qualified and successful lawyer.
Sharma has written a total of 15 published books, from 1995 – 2011, on the subjects of self-help and leadership. One of his most popular books written; ‘The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari‘, has sold over 5 million copies worldwide.
The book is all about a character called Julian, who decides to sell his home and Ferrari to go on a spiritual journey, after being the victim to a sudden heart attack.
Some may say that Robin Sharma’s more of a motivational author rather than speaker, but he deserves to be on this list. He’s written 12 global best sellers, and is an expert author in the world of leadership and self development.
“Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.” – Robin S. Sharma
9) Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy was born on January 5th 1944 in Vancouver, Canada, and is the CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company that specifically sets out to help individuals and organizations develop, train and grow.
Brian’s ultimate goal is to help other people achieve their goals more efficiently and be able to achieve their full potential.
That definitely sets the foundation for a world class motivational speaker. His lifetime achievements are phenomenal, consulting huge numbers of businesses, hosting huge numbers of seminars and conducting years and years of research in Business, Economics, Psychology and Philosophy.
There’s no more to say other than the title given on his website: Professional Speaker, Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur and Success Expert. Check out some of the best Brian Tracy quotes.
“No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.” – Brian Tracy
10) Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic was born on December 4th 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Nick was born with Tetra-Amelia syndrome, a very rare disorder whereby someone is born with an absence of all four limbs.
This no doubt ably, made things incredibly tough for Nick growing up, as he struggled both mentally and physically.
It led to him founding his very own non-profit organization called ‘Life Without Limbs’. Nick Vujicic is a true inspiration to us all, and if you’ve watched some of his motivational speeches on YouTube, you’ll realize just how much he’s been able to adapt to a life without limbs.
Many people with this disorder might not be willing to work hard in order to truly push their abilities.
Nick can type 43 words a minute on a computer. That’s right, you heard me correctly. This is a guy who has an absence of all four limbs, but can type 43 words per minute on a computer. I encourage you to watch some of his videos on YouTube, and see exactly what I’m talking about.
“It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth anything.” – Nick Vujicic
Reference: Dan Western
Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Brian Tracy,
Eric Thomas,
Jim Rohn,
Les Brown,
Motivational speakers,
Nick Vujicic,
Robin Sharma,
Tony Robbins,
Top10 Motivational Speakers in the World,
Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Do You Want to Learn the Five Key Characteristics of Millionaire Speakers?
My mission statement as a professional speaker, trainer, and coach consist of helping others learn how to become the best speaker they can be. The reason why I am passionate about being a speaker, trainer, and coach is because it gives me an opportunity to change lives.
I have been a professional speaker, trainer, and coach for over five years and in the process I have attended numerous programs pertaining to speaking, training, seminars, and workshops. Why is this important to you?
The tens of thousands of dollars I have invested in the speaking industry has resulted in me becoming an expert. The primary reason why I am writing about millionaire speakers is because I have been responsible for billions of dollars over the course of my professional career.
Today I am going to share with you the five (5) key characteristics of millionaire speakers. If you want to learn about these characteristics, read on.
The 5 key characteristics of "Millionaire Speakers" read as follows:
1.) Millionaire speakers have a burning desire to help other people.
I am not talking about a so, so commitment to helping other people, I am talking about a "Burning Desire" which consist of a full, uncompromising, decisive commitment to help make other people lives better.
2.) Millionaire speakers are very goal oriented, they set goals and show other people how they can become more successful by following their system for success.
For example, millionaire speakers know where they are going in life, they have a plan and take action to ensure their success. They can also help people set goals and achieve success.
3.) Millionaire speakers are decisive in nature and let audiences know what they should know.
In other words, the decisiveness of millionaire speakers set the tone for them teaching you what they know. If there is a training program or seminar that will help a millionaire speaker gain knowledge, they will not hesitate to enroll, attend and learn what they need to know because they know the long range benefits of acquiring information.
4.) Millionaire speakers surround themselves with positive thinking people. They are members of mastermind groups and partner with experts to continuously elevate their expertise.
You have heard the term, knowledge is power. No one understands this more than millionaire speakers. Joining mastermind groups with like minded people will skyrocket your speaking career and propel you to millionaire status quicker than anything else.
5.) One of the keys to becoming a millionaire speaker is to have specialized knowledge in a topic area. In other words they have something they are good at and are able to deliver it.
Knowing more than your audience will give you the key to success. Being able to answer audience member questions will reflect the depth of your knowledge, this is why knowledge is the key to millionaire success. Define what you are passionate about and build a program that will enrich the lives of people.
In a nutshell, if you want to become a millionaire speaker you must apply the five key characteristics outlined above. Learn and apply these five characteristics and you will become financially free.
Becoming financially independent is one of my goals and I am sure it is yours as well. You can become a millionaire speaker as long as you have a plan for success and are willing to embrace a system for success.
Reference: Paul Vann
Sunday, January 24, 2016
How to Become a Paid Speaker
Do you want to become a paid speaker and teach lessons from the things you've learned throughout your life? Who doesn't?
Speaking gives you the opportunity to help and at the same time, earn yourself additional income. Each of us has had our own challenges and tribulations to contend with. Chances are, you have learned something valuable in life and it is worth sharing with other people.
Believe it or not, people will pay you to teach them the life lessons you've learned. The price tag will depend largely on your reputation, material, and promotional skills.
First of all, public speaking is a business. It involves lots of marketing and the product you're selling is your knowledge and skills. In other words, you are the merchandise! And you will promote yourself to the fullest.
A product is judged by its quality and a high-quality product will always be a commercial success. As a professional public speaker, you must strive to constantly improve your merchandise. Always look for ways to enhance your speaking skills and material. Eventually, the market will take notice of your excellence and your value will rise. Demand for your services will grow and your bank account will get fatter!
The most difficult part of being a professional public speaker is the start up. You will basically need to start from scratch. Nobody knows who you are or what you can do. It can be very demoralizing not knowing what steps to take. The key is to build up a portfolio and then, go out and network.
Models, actors, photographers and public speakers are all the same. To launch your career, you need to build a portfolio of your accomplishments and credentials.
Now, you wonder, 'I still don't have any relevant accomplishments to display and my credentials are not that great either. So, what will I put in my portfolio?'
Learn, join classes and seminars, get certificates, work for free, and get referrals. These are great start-up marketing strategies to enhance credentials and expand your connections. Apparently, you will have to sacrifice a relative amount of time and money but that will be just fine and it will all be worth it in the end..
If you already have done a few engagements and granted you will be surprised with the consequential referrals. Your career will launch, your worth will steadily grow, and by then, you can charge for your services without guilt. Your work's value will only rise as your reputation strengthens.
As you grow professionally, it is natural to specialize your skills and find your niche. Specialization is a spontaneous evolution of your public speaking skills. Typically, you won't really have to think about it - it just happens. You may become an accomplished keynote speaker, a celebrated motivational expert, or an all-knowing guru.
As a result, your market may narrow but your price tag will increase. The demands for your services will not falter but your workload will pleasantly diminish. You can afford to turn down negotiations and assert your own demands because in a sense, you are now comparable to a celebrity.
Professional public speaking is an honorable occupation and if you have the aptitude, it can be a very worthwhile and gratifying pursuit.
Speaking gives you the opportunity to help and at the same time, earn yourself additional income. Each of us has had our own challenges and tribulations to contend with. Chances are, you have learned something valuable in life and it is worth sharing with other people.
Believe it or not, people will pay you to teach them the life lessons you've learned. The price tag will depend largely on your reputation, material, and promotional skills.
First of all, public speaking is a business. It involves lots of marketing and the product you're selling is your knowledge and skills. In other words, you are the merchandise! And you will promote yourself to the fullest.
A product is judged by its quality and a high-quality product will always be a commercial success. As a professional public speaker, you must strive to constantly improve your merchandise. Always look for ways to enhance your speaking skills and material. Eventually, the market will take notice of your excellence and your value will rise. Demand for your services will grow and your bank account will get fatter!
The most difficult part of being a professional public speaker is the start up. You will basically need to start from scratch. Nobody knows who you are or what you can do. It can be very demoralizing not knowing what steps to take. The key is to build up a portfolio and then, go out and network.
Models, actors, photographers and public speakers are all the same. To launch your career, you need to build a portfolio of your accomplishments and credentials.
Now, you wonder, 'I still don't have any relevant accomplishments to display and my credentials are not that great either. So, what will I put in my portfolio?'
Learn, join classes and seminars, get certificates, work for free, and get referrals. These are great start-up marketing strategies to enhance credentials and expand your connections. Apparently, you will have to sacrifice a relative amount of time and money but that will be just fine and it will all be worth it in the end..
If you already have done a few engagements and granted you will be surprised with the consequential referrals. Your career will launch, your worth will steadily grow, and by then, you can charge for your services without guilt. Your work's value will only rise as your reputation strengthens.
As you grow professionally, it is natural to specialize your skills and find your niche. Specialization is a spontaneous evolution of your public speaking skills. Typically, you won't really have to think about it - it just happens. You may become an accomplished keynote speaker, a celebrated motivational expert, or an all-knowing guru.
As a result, your market may narrow but your price tag will increase. The demands for your services will not falter but your workload will pleasantly diminish. You can afford to turn down negotiations and assert your own demands because in a sense, you are now comparable to a celebrity.
Professional public speaking is an honorable occupation and if you have the aptitude, it can be a very worthwhile and gratifying pursuit.
From Free to Fee: How Experts Get Paid to Speak
You're already on the speaker's circuit, using concurrent session programs at industry events as marketing opportunities. Each year, you get return invitations, rave reviews, and high evaluations. Perhaps it's time to quit giving away your expertise and get paid. Makes sense doesn't it?
The transition from speaking for visibility to paid speaking is like jumping off a cliff: if you survive that first leap, the rest will seem easy. Here are four big changes you must make if you want to succeed.
1. Go Where the Gigs Are
The first change you have to make is where you speak. The easiest way to get paid is not with associations; there are too many speakers in those venues willing to speak for free. Instead, you need to compete in another arena - corporate special events.
The good news is that many professional services firms already have established relationships with corporate decision makers, so you have the ear (and respect) of the buyers. You don't have to go through the usual gatekeepers. But familiarity can also be an obstacle if your clients see you as a teacher or trainer.
What they want: These buyers are looking for something more than their association colleagues. Corporate folks want to know the outcomes of your presentation. They are looking to change current behavior. So, have a compelling answer at the ready.
What to do next: To prevent being pigeonholed, invite the prospect to preview your speaking outside of the consulting environment. Show your client that you are the riveting speaker they need to rally their troops.
If you still want association gigs, ditch the concurrent sessions and go for the keynote slots with state and regional associations. National associations with bigger budgets usually use more high-profile personality keynoters, so pitch for the general session, where lesser-known experts are used. More motivational topics are usually given in the wind-down speaker slot.
Another way to work with associations is to participate in pre- and post-convention workshops. Associations are also open to creating new venues for speakers who will provide a draw (and high registration fees). Experts can get paid for these presentations if they are willing to take a percentage of the fees.
2. Ditch the Data, Add Stories
Buyers and audiences alike have very different expectations of keynoters. If you want to get paid $4,500 or more, it is assumed that you have more than just great presentation skills. Audiences at that level have been exposed to masterful speakers, so make sure your skills can compare favorably.
The flow of your speaking must be very smooth and transitions seamless. Storytelling takes the place of diagrams. Humor takes the place of case study exercises.
What they want: Keynoter programs also require major content changes. National associations request general topics that discuss trends or allow their members to feel good about their roles. Remember, technical content is more appropriate for the concurrent sessions.
What to do next: Go through your programs with a fine-tooth comb. Take out all the exercises and replace them with compelling stories. No more data dumping and PowerPoint slides with 10 lines of text.
3. Expand Your Media Campaign
Established committees that focus on expertise and content usually choose free speakers for concurrent sessions. Selecting paid speakers is made at the very top levels, and the decision is far more subjective. These buyers are more concerned with the speakers' brand and how their message fits the strategic objectives of the meeting than with the PowerPoint presentation.
Because the decision is more subjective, indirect marketing approaches work best. Focus on recommendations from advocates and showcasing. Leverage is king, and paid speaking engagements can beget more of the same.
While speaker bureaus play a bigger role, don't depend on them to be your marketing department. Speaker bureaus work with speakers like banks loan money: they only want those who get plenty of bookings on their own.
What they want: In the corporate markets, content is king. Your message has to be a conduit for attendees' strategic objectives. Again, what behavior will you change? What are the outcomes they can expect? In the association market, buyers want someone with enough visibility to create excitement for the conference.
What to do next: Pump up your prominence in the right places. Experts who have focused on building their business with trade journal articles will need to expand their media campaign. It's time to be quoted in widely read publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, etc. Make sure that book you've written will get you into these respected outlets.
4. Create Speaking-Specific Promotional Materials
Again, the decision is more subjective, so speaking-specific promotional materials take the place of requests for proposals. Professionalism is the key here -- good graphic design and copy are essential. The focus is on message and approach, not specific content. No one will read pages of topic descriptions.
Many buyers check out speakers online, so websites have become the centerpiece of a speaker's promotional materials. They won't search your site for your topics; have a designated section just for your speaking.
What they want: While many experts have a speaking section on their site that mentions key notes, these sections are not effective if the homepage focuses only on professional services. Buyers are looking for experts who both speak and provide related services, not advisors who speak as a sideline. This subtle difference is critical.
Another way to show your stuff is via video. Buyers not only preview footage for speaking skills, but they also use them to determine if the message is on target. They examine the audience as well to determine similarities between your previous engagements and their own.
What to do next: Smart experts refocus their site towards the positioning and expertise rather than the roles they play, such as speaker, consultant, author, etc. If that's not possible, consider a separate speaking website that touts your background, expertise, and approach. And get crackin' on that video footage. It should be less than a year old. The fancy graphics that many speakers include are not necessary; it's more important to be certain you are presenting your best speech material. Put it on the homepage as well as the speaking sections.
Written materials are still needed, especially when working with speaker bureaus. Plan on creating what speakers call "one-sheets" that feature your photo, list of speaking engagements, testimonials from speaking clients, your background/approach, and topics. Even beginning speakers have this material professionally produced.
A Different World
The transition into the world of professional speaking doesn't happen with your current tools and marketing efforts. Be prepared to revamp your positioning -- to brand your approach to different buyers with different expectations. Invest time, energy, and money just as you have in your professional service firm. And like any other business venture, professional help in speaking skills, marketing, and promotional material production can speed up the process.
Good luck, and I'll see you on the circuit!
Reference: Vickie K Sullivan
The transition from speaking for visibility to paid speaking is like jumping off a cliff: if you survive that first leap, the rest will seem easy. Here are four big changes you must make if you want to succeed.
1. Go Where the Gigs Are
The first change you have to make is where you speak. The easiest way to get paid is not with associations; there are too many speakers in those venues willing to speak for free. Instead, you need to compete in another arena - corporate special events.
The good news is that many professional services firms already have established relationships with corporate decision makers, so you have the ear (and respect) of the buyers. You don't have to go through the usual gatekeepers. But familiarity can also be an obstacle if your clients see you as a teacher or trainer.
What they want: These buyers are looking for something more than their association colleagues. Corporate folks want to know the outcomes of your presentation. They are looking to change current behavior. So, have a compelling answer at the ready.
What to do next: To prevent being pigeonholed, invite the prospect to preview your speaking outside of the consulting environment. Show your client that you are the riveting speaker they need to rally their troops.
If you still want association gigs, ditch the concurrent sessions and go for the keynote slots with state and regional associations. National associations with bigger budgets usually use more high-profile personality keynoters, so pitch for the general session, where lesser-known experts are used. More motivational topics are usually given in the wind-down speaker slot.
Another way to work with associations is to participate in pre- and post-convention workshops. Associations are also open to creating new venues for speakers who will provide a draw (and high registration fees). Experts can get paid for these presentations if they are willing to take a percentage of the fees.
2. Ditch the Data, Add Stories
Buyers and audiences alike have very different expectations of keynoters. If you want to get paid $4,500 or more, it is assumed that you have more than just great presentation skills. Audiences at that level have been exposed to masterful speakers, so make sure your skills can compare favorably.
The flow of your speaking must be very smooth and transitions seamless. Storytelling takes the place of diagrams. Humor takes the place of case study exercises.
What they want: Keynoter programs also require major content changes. National associations request general topics that discuss trends or allow their members to feel good about their roles. Remember, technical content is more appropriate for the concurrent sessions.
What to do next: Go through your programs with a fine-tooth comb. Take out all the exercises and replace them with compelling stories. No more data dumping and PowerPoint slides with 10 lines of text.
3. Expand Your Media Campaign
Established committees that focus on expertise and content usually choose free speakers for concurrent sessions. Selecting paid speakers is made at the very top levels, and the decision is far more subjective. These buyers are more concerned with the speakers' brand and how their message fits the strategic objectives of the meeting than with the PowerPoint presentation.
Because the decision is more subjective, indirect marketing approaches work best. Focus on recommendations from advocates and showcasing. Leverage is king, and paid speaking engagements can beget more of the same.
While speaker bureaus play a bigger role, don't depend on them to be your marketing department. Speaker bureaus work with speakers like banks loan money: they only want those who get plenty of bookings on their own.
What they want: In the corporate markets, content is king. Your message has to be a conduit for attendees' strategic objectives. Again, what behavior will you change? What are the outcomes they can expect? In the association market, buyers want someone with enough visibility to create excitement for the conference.
What to do next: Pump up your prominence in the right places. Experts who have focused on building their business with trade journal articles will need to expand their media campaign. It's time to be quoted in widely read publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, etc. Make sure that book you've written will get you into these respected outlets.
4. Create Speaking-Specific Promotional Materials
Again, the decision is more subjective, so speaking-specific promotional materials take the place of requests for proposals. Professionalism is the key here -- good graphic design and copy are essential. The focus is on message and approach, not specific content. No one will read pages of topic descriptions.
Many buyers check out speakers online, so websites have become the centerpiece of a speaker's promotional materials. They won't search your site for your topics; have a designated section just for your speaking.
What they want: While many experts have a speaking section on their site that mentions key notes, these sections are not effective if the homepage focuses only on professional services. Buyers are looking for experts who both speak and provide related services, not advisors who speak as a sideline. This subtle difference is critical.
Another way to show your stuff is via video. Buyers not only preview footage for speaking skills, but they also use them to determine if the message is on target. They examine the audience as well to determine similarities between your previous engagements and their own.
What to do next: Smart experts refocus their site towards the positioning and expertise rather than the roles they play, such as speaker, consultant, author, etc. If that's not possible, consider a separate speaking website that touts your background, expertise, and approach. And get crackin' on that video footage. It should be less than a year old. The fancy graphics that many speakers include are not necessary; it's more important to be certain you are presenting your best speech material. Put it on the homepage as well as the speaking sections.
Written materials are still needed, especially when working with speaker bureaus. Plan on creating what speakers call "one-sheets" that feature your photo, list of speaking engagements, testimonials from speaking clients, your background/approach, and topics. Even beginning speakers have this material professionally produced.
A Different World
The transition into the world of professional speaking doesn't happen with your current tools and marketing efforts. Be prepared to revamp your positioning -- to brand your approach to different buyers with different expectations. Invest time, energy, and money just as you have in your professional service firm. And like any other business venture, professional help in speaking skills, marketing, and promotional material production can speed up the process.
Good luck, and I'll see you on the circuit!
Reference: Vickie K Sullivan
“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” ― RumiWe all have a voice and a message, we need to find it, hone it and fly with it! I love speaking! It has been a passion and my interest from an early age, it took me into the literary and deabting society in my school and made me participate in different extra-curricular activity such as debates, reccitiation of poems and memory verses as a young boy.I believe this was fueled mainly among others by the fact that I watched my erudite and amiable grandfather, now late hold audiences spell bound with his compelling and humorous speeches.
Fast forward many years now, I am a young man, Engineer and Inspirational blogger blessed with a wonderful voice and a great love for speaking and I must have gotten close to hundreds of compliments from different spheres about my unique 'baritone' voice, I always give the glory to God, and I have always asked mentors and wondered more how to hone my speaking gifts and put my voice to its greatest use. This has led me on a journey and it gets promising and interesting by the day.
This blog is part of this journey. It is a journey to help answer questions as regards public speaking, going from FREE to FREE, Speaking etiquette,personal and professional speaking tips from around the web and also wealth of wisdom from highly paid speakers and a great networking opportunity for other speakers around the world.
Let's Rock It!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Toastmaster,Lifecoach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
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